Examine the Reasons for Changes in the Patterns of Divorce, Marriage and Cohabitation in the Past 40 Years (24 Marks)

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Over the past forty years marriage, divorce and cohabitation rates have fluctuated significantly. For example, the number of divorces has increased from 27,000 in 1961 to 153,000 by 2006, whilst the Telegraph newspaper reported that ‘one in six people are cohabiting as marriage rates decline’. Why is this? There are multiple reasons for these varying statistics. Fewer people are marrying for numerous different reasons. There’s a lot less stigma surrounding the issue of marriage in comparison to marriage in the1950’s for example. It’s no longer expected. This means that people now feel free to choose the type of relationship they want without scrutiny or judgement for their choice. The decline of secularisation also contributes to the decline in marriage rates. The Church has always been in favour of couples marrying, however less people are practising religion and the influence of the Church is declining too. Without this influence we are again free to choose what type of relationship we desire and marriage does not seem as relevant as it previously was. The days are long gone since women were expected to stay at home doing the house work and looking after children whilst men had careers. There are prevalent job opportunities on offer for women now in comparison with the lack of opportunities in previous years. Women are becoming just as independent as men, economically as well as independent in becoming successful. In addition to the decline in stigma, there’s also a sharp decline in moral values. People are less aware or uncommitted to the idea what is right and wrong. Rather than marrying some people chose to be serial monogamists. This would have been promiscuous and wrong in the past, there is not as much stigma attached to it now. Yet another valid reason for the decline is the finical commitment involved. The average cost of a wedding is now
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