Curriculum Models Essay

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U136/1.1.2. Evaluate the relationship between theoretical perspectives and early years curriculum models. There have been and will to come be many theorists opinions that have helped shape changes in childcare. In medieval times children were often sent out to work at a very early age and childhood was not valued or cherished as it is today. Children from poor families were expected to earn a living as soon as possible and children from noble families were schooled. Philosophers such as John Locke (1632-1704) believed that children were not born with any predisposition but came into the world as a blank slate (“tabula rasa”) and would develop if guided and trained through repetition. He felt that the role of the adult was highly significant…show more content…
Independence is achieved by giving children opportunities - to move, dress themselves, choose what they want to do and to help the adults with tasks. This leads to self-confidence, self-belief and esteem. Observation: To observe without a preconceived idea - watching children enjoying themselves exploring their environment. This helped develop theories on child development and the materials that the children needed and were interested in. Observation allows the adult to learn about the child's needs and what they are. Following the child: Children will show you what they need to do and what they need to develop and which area they need challenged in. "The aim of the children who persevere in their work with an object is certainly not to "learn" they are drawn to it by the needs of their inner life, which must be recognised and developed by its means". From what you observe, follow them in what they need to do. If they are constantly climbing let them climb safely and not be too over protective. Be non-directive: allow a child to choose what they want to do instead of being told what to do. Stand back and watch instead of intervening unless there is destructive behaviour or
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