Shorthand Grad Was Shortchanged Analysis

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Essay Analysis Paper Name ENG/120 University of Phoenix October 18, 2010 In reading "Shorthand Grad was shortchanged", I am not sure how any teacher, education counselor, or school board superintendent could be satisfied at one of their graduated students tested abilities. The story displayed a sad fact; we as an American society have really dwindled in education value. It solidified my belief in the fact we have lost the simple know how of using proper grammar and punctuation. It showed a horrific display of shorthand, especially from someone who was about to graduate from a secretary course. But this really doesn’t surprise me. Looking at the kids that are coming in the military these days are not any better. They can design…show more content…
Americans take a sensible approach to learning, so what one learns outside the classroom through jobs, additional activities and the like is often considered as important as what is learned in the classroom. Therefore, lifetime knowledge is appreciated which results in many continuing education programs. Choices for Americans are in abundance when it comes to education. While in school they decide their main field of study, with or without the influence of their parents, and students even get to select some of their courses. T.S. Elliot once wrote “It is in fact a part of the function of education to help us escape, not from our own time -- for we are bound by that -- but from the intellectual and emotional limitations of our time” (Infinity Web Development, LLC, 2002-2010). The Americans should bring back the perception that “there is nothing we can’t be" stems from our ancestral heritage. Since the majority of the early settlers could not read or write, they worked hard to make sure the kids of the future all had a chance to learn. They believed they had a responsibility to improve themselves, to be the best they could be, to improve their abilities, and to help thy neighbors. I am quite sure that includes class and homework. These principles not only swayed our educational system, but are often imitated in U.S. foreign policy. I was told that education is simply the soul of a society…show more content…
Those parents have to stay vigorously involved in schooling their kids. Surely the obligation to ensure our nation’s future must be shared also by those who don’t have children in the public schools. Those people who should take an interest in the students that will eventually be stepping into the workforce. They should be developing work-study groups, internships and job placement banks that they can recruit and develop to be successful. Evidently, the tasks of educating our children nowadays are a lot more difficult than simple examinations and easy solutions. Yet, educators and societies coast-to-coast are executing operative solutions that address precise needs in specific places. While such feats offer a multitude of concepts for many extra residents, one message is quite clear: We must act as a nation that cares about today’s children for they will one become money earning citizens of this abundant nation, they will buy land and become true residents of several communities, also will become members of various faith’s and
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