Evaluate the Influence of Hatshepsut in Her Lifetime

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Hatshepsut’s influence during her lifetime encompasses every aspect of ancient Egyptian society. Her position as pharaoh allowed her to influence the military, religious and political spheres of her life. Militarily, Hatshepsut is not considered strength, according to Gardiner: “Hatshepsut conducted no military campaigns with the exception of a meaningless one in Nubia”. Numerous inscriptions, however, can counteract this criticism. Although fragmentary, they do state the king’s influence on Egypt’s neighbors. The scribe Djehuty details a campaign into Nubia, stating he “saw her majesty collecting booty among the dead” out on the battlefield. Although this is partially an exaggeration, it does account for a notorious campaign. Furthermore, the chief official Tiy records she “conquered the lands as her father had done”. The stelae of Enebi also reveals Hatshepsut “had dominion over the Nubians”. Hatshepsut’s campaigns in the South would have established security at the border, but also preceded the successful expedition to Punt. Joyce Tyldesley also accounts for an inscription stating, “her arrow is among the northerners”, suggesting she also led campaigns into Syria-Palestine. Hatshepsut’s elevation of the cult of Amun was directly related to legitimizing her reign, but also to her need for particular individuals to support her. Jennifer Lawless believes Hatshepsut “did more than anyone before her to elevate the cult of Amun.” Her reliance on Hapusoneb, chief priest of Amun and Senenmut, chief steward of Amun, also ensured proceeding rulers were supported by the Amun priesthood. She enhanced the importance of the state god and this strengthened Egypt’s religious foundations. The expedition to Punt can be considered Hatshepsut’s most successful endeavor, as it re-opened a trade route that had been closed for over five hundred years. The relief on the

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