Ethos Pathos In Black Boy

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Stadium Tiger Mr. Grevstad and Mrs. Hathaway AP Language and Composition 27 August 2014 Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Black Boy by Richard Wright Black Boy by Richard Wright may be a biography, but it contains many writing essential. These writing essentials are used in the novel to persuade, stir up emotion, and demonstrate logic so readers can better understand and connect to the novel. Richard does this this in the form of ethos, pathos, and logos. Richard applies ethos to express reasoning. This is demonstrated when he says, “If I were going to violate the law, then I ought to get something out of it. A hundred dollars would give me freedom of movement than I had ever known in my life” (201). By saying he would get freedom it gives readers a sense of credibility that he has the right to resort to a life of crime. In fact, in order to get the money he needed he had to violate the law. Another time ethos was demonstrated was when Richard was reading. While reading he said, “I looked at the other book; it was called Prejudices. I knew what that word meant; I heard it all my life. And right off I was on guard against Mencken’s books” (248). The word prejudice was significant enough to change his mind about Mencken. As a child prejudice has affected his life harshly. This experience builds…show more content…
Richard uses pathos when he writes, “ I know longer felt that the world about me was hostile, killing; I knew it” (251). When he says, “I knew it” he creates a powerful sense of glory that generates emotion. Another example of pathos is when his friend yells at him, “Dick, look, you’re black, black, black, see? Can’t you understand that?" (183). At this point he is allowing the readers to feel what he is going through. This is also dramatic because the audience can sense Richard’s feelings. Pathos allows readers to have a better sympathetic connection to Richard and his life story overall. Aside from ethos and pathos Richard employs
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