Marc Antony's Ethos In Julius Caesar Essay

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Julius Caesar Marc Antony in Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar was murdered by Brutus despite Brutus’s allegations of Caesar’s quest for dictatorship status and supports his argument by manipulating the people’s emotions. Antony’s purpose is for the people to mourn for their lost leader through Brutus’s lies so that they would seek revenge on him. Antony speaks in a driven but sarcastic tone for the citizens of Rome. Marc Antony persuaded the people using pathos, ethos, and logos. In regards to their leaders murder, the Romans turned against the senate, there for Antony’s speech was more persuading than Brutus’s. Antony’s speech uses ethos and pathos to evoke the heavyhearted emotions from the Roman citizens. Antony walks up to present himself with Caesar in his arms “I come to bury Caesar not to praise him” (6). He is preaching to the people that he was not Caesar’s friend. He knows Caesar was not a trustworthy leader but he deserves to be noticed for his great intentions, Antony wants the Romans to feel mournful towards Caesar. Antony yields Caesar’s letter “it will inflame you, it will make you mad” (9). Caesar left a will before he was murdered. Antony was not ready to read…show more content…
Antony satirically complements Brutus “Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, and sure he is an honorable man” (6). He does not want Brutus to win over the crowd so he attempts to complement him but does not mean it. Antony wants them to feel that Brutus is not ambitious. Antony stands up for Caesar “The word of Caesar might have stood against the world now lies he there” (8). If Caesar were still alive people would not be fighting about this, so this is all Brutus’s fault that there is this big conflict. He wants the Roman citizens to feel sorrow for Caesar and his death but enlightened that his tragic ways have ended. Antony understands that all the Romans are seeing that Brutus is not a great

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