Ethical Self Assessment

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Decision making situations arises frequently in health care delivery, and what is deemed right to an individual might be wrong to another person. “The human person not only lives in a world of values but also is able to create values on a personal perspective” (Hermans & Oles, 1994, p. 569). Therefore there is a crucial need for a sound ethical decision making by health care providers in health care organizations. “Health care executives have an obligation to act in ways that will merit the trust, confidence, and respect of health care professional and the general public. Therefore, health care executives should lead lives that embody an exemplary system of values and ethics” (American College of Health care Executives, n.d). Most health care organizations have modalities in place to attain the basic code of conduct similar to that of the American College of Health care Executive (ACHE) to achieve accountability during challenging decision making situations. A free tool provided by the ACHE to all health care practitioners is an ethical self assessment quiz used to help health care providers examine their ethical principles in order to foster awareness and improvement. Lessons of ethical decision making from self assessment After completing the self assessment, I learnt that my ethical profile tended towards others intention through their actions, rather than looking closely on the results of my decision. This means that I am, “Closely aligned on obligation and not on results” (Williams Institute for Ethics and Management, 2003). I actually do agree with the result based on personal observation. The analysis from the self assessment made me realize why it is crucial to understand that no situation is the same and to therefore keep in mind to apply appropriate code of ethics for individual situations. Hence, I learnt that during the process for a ethical
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