Ethical Issues In The Mysterious Roses

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In the ethical game simulation, The Mysterious Roses there were several ethical issues presented. The simulation has places me as the director of sales for the G-BioSport company. The situation is as follows. As I am about to start my daily work routine my assistant, Karen, approaches me. She mentions that she has noticed Bill Witherspoon appearing in the marketing department around the same time Gayle Dornier receives flowers. Karen is curious if I know anything about the situation. As I continue with my routine, I open my emails and find an email from Bill Witherspoon. Bill's email explains that he has stricken up a friendship with Gayle Dornier in Marketing. He says that she has been having a rough time during this quarter and has been making efforts to cheer her up. My next concerning email is from Jo Williams, she says that Gayle has approached her about an odd situation where she has been receiving flowers, but does not know where they are coming from. Apparently, the flowers have arrived three times, and Gayle is feeling uncomfortable with the…show more content…
The first step s to be attentive, this means that I need to pinpoint the issue, and gather specific data. I begin by reviewing the facts of the situation and determine what facts are trustworthy. The second step is to be intelligent, this means that I need to determine what matters most by framing the issue and being aware of false issues. Being intelligent also means that I need to determine who the primary stakeholders are. Before I can make a decision I must remember that there will people stakeholders directly affected by it. In this simulation, Gayle's question for confidentiality within our meeting is the ethical issue to be dealt with, because everything else depends on how I resolve this. The stakeholders in this simulation are the VP of HR, myself, Gayle, Bill and his boss, the VP of operations and

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