Ethical Issues in South Florida Hospitals

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Hospitals all over the nation are challenged with ethical issues every day that effect physician, nurses and other hospital staff. It is the responsibility of the healthcare professional to be honest and ethical. Below discusses several ethical issues that may exist in the South Florida region of the United States. Safety South Florida is home to over four million residents that require high quality and ethical medical care (Office of Economic & Demographic Research, 2015). When servicing a large amount of residents it is extremely important for hospitals and clinics to monitor staff to ensure safe care is taking place. The Florida Hospital Association (FHA) has established safety and quality improvement initiatives to improve Florida’s health care. The FHA (2014) implemented several goals for Florida to decrease the length of hospital stay, creating safer care for patients, reducing the number of preventable surgical complications, and reducing costs. Hospitals and clinics in South Florida are extremely congested and busy; this is why it is so important for these facilities to participate in the FHA’s quality program in ensure all patients are safe and receive the care they deserve. Education is a huge part of patient care and the FHA provides educational meetings and training programs to accelerate improvement of care and safety. According an article in the Miami Herald several South Florida hospitals have been under scrutiny for several different safety issues. These safety issues include bed sores, blood clots and an increase in patient falls (Chang, 2014). Nurses and doctors play a huge role in preventing these accidents and making the hospital setting a safer place for patients. Increased education and awareness can help to decrease the incident of hospital acquired illnesses. Confidentiality Under the Health Insurance
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