Ethical Choices In Larry Watson's Montana

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Challenges in life are not supposed to immoblisie you; it’s supposed to help you discover whom you care. In Montana by Larry Watson explores human behavior through analyzing the ethical behaviors through analyzing the ethical choices made by the Hayden family in the town of Montana. David, who reflects on his childhood, tells us about the issue of exploitation and rape of the Native Indian women. David recollects and examines the drama that unfolds in his household as an adolescent. The themes if justice and truth, power and oppression are represented in the novel mainly through the actions and choices made by the Hayden family. The main idea of morality is challenged and teased out through the sensibilities of David who observes his mother, father, uncle, aunt, grandparents and neighbors. In Montana…show more content…
Edward, a near-complete person. The creator died before he could finish Edward's hands; instead, Edward is left with metal scissors for hands. Since then, Edward has lived alone, until a kind lady called Peg discovers Edward and welcomes him into her home. At first, everyone welcomes Edward into the community. Edward makes a good impression and even falls in love with Peg's high school daughter Kim, but after a robbery with a framed Edward as the culprit, things in his life begin to go downhill. David and Edward have similar qualities in their personalities; in the way they address their challenges and social life. Through their curiosity to learn and understand they cope with the challenges in which they face. Each text shows different challenges, different ways to cope with their challenges but both bring the character to discover truth, and become wiser, stronger people. The texts uses different techniques to show emotion and the difficulty in faces these challenges, but each teach the same lesson of getting through their challenges, to go on with life, and learn from past

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