Essay On Native Americans

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NATIVE AMERICANS In the United Staes of America, Native American is an ethic group which has the earlier historical connection from the regions of North America also known as Unites of America. They consist of large number of distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups. Although Natiive Americans are very different in terms of culture, language, religion, polity and physical characteristics. Many Native American groups such as the Sioux, Navaho, Cherokee and Iroquois are recorded under their own name. Native Americans are regarded as a racial group because of the fact that they have different physical features from the dominant white Anglo-Saxon physical features. A racial group based on the explanation of Joe and Clairece Feagin in their book Racial and Ethnic Relations is “a social group in which, persons inside and outside the group have decided is important to single out as inferior or superior, typically on the basis of real or alleged physical characteristics subjectively selected.” (Pg. 9), they also define…show more content…
Them living in a poor neighborhoods. Based on the class presentation, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) was created in 1830 to defend and shelter Native Americans from genocidal extermination, because due to the high death rates. Native Americans have an internal-colonial relationship with the American government who exploit them with every given chance. All of these stereotypes have contributed to the notion of structural racism toward Native Americans seeing as there are fewer of them in the workplace and school with a great amount of Native Americans are poorly funded. Also, Native Americans are the only known ethnic group in the United States requiring a federal permit to practice their
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