The Reasons Behind Passing

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The Reasons behind Passing American Son, by Brian Ascalon Roley is a novel where race and identity are conflicting matters. The different ethnicities within this story are organized in a hierarchy and passing as a person from a different ethnicity comes to be an important matter among the principal characters. According to the English Oxford Dictionary to pass is “to be accepted as or believed to be, or to represent oneself successfully as, a member of an ethnic or religious group other than one's own, esp. one having higher social status; spec. (of a person of black ancestry in a racially segregated society) to be accepted as white. In this novel there is a stratification of races: White being at the top, followed by Mexican and Asian at the very bottom. Because white people are considered superior they enjoy White Privilege. ” Kendall Clark states that White Privilege is “A right, advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by white persons beyond the common advantage of all others; an exemption in many particular cases from certain burdens or liabilities”(1). In American Son by Brian Ascalon Roley Tomas and Gabe, who are two half Filipino-half German brothers, try to pass as different ethnicities than their own: Tomas as Mexican and Gabe as White; they do this is because they are ashamed of being Asian and believe that being White or Mexican is superior and empowering. In American Son, white privilege is enjoyed by Tomas’ and Gabe’s Aunt Jessica when she and Ika meet Stone. In this scene Jessica does not initially regard her sister in law as an important part of the group. In this regard, Gabe states that “Aunt Jessica does not introduce Mom to the driver” (122). White privilege, as Kendall Clark states is a concept that “should be defined carefully” (5) since there is controversy around it. In his research he found out that there is people that deny the

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