Essay On Misunderstood Minds

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“Millions of American children struggle in school daily because of serious learning problems” (PBS.ORG, 2002). It is unfortunate that millions of American children are faced with serious learning problems because of a physical disability, mental disability, or a learning disability. Schools are very preoccupied with their yearly State of California Testing and they fail to meet the needs of those children that struggle with simple daily school work. It is said that out of 150 children 1 in born with Autism. That means that out of a school of a thousand students, around 10 or nine students are on the Autism Spectrum Disorder; but that doesn’t include those other children with other different disabilities. Parents, educators and mentors expect for children to learn to read, write, and solve mathematical problem; and when children fail to do this adults become alarmed. The failure for a child to pay attention is also cause for concern. Many professionals, experts, educators and parents are working together to help children with disabilities succeed in life. Like many other, PBS designed ‘Misunderstood Minds’ to help teachers and parents…show more content…
I took several of these tests and failed every single one of them. It was very difficult trying to stay on task while visual, audio and video distractions were occurring. I work in a Special Day Class and I also observe there what children with disabilities go through. All of the 16 children in this class have difficulty reading and writing. They don’t comprehend most of what they read. Not only do they have scholastic difficulties but they are teased and bullied on a daily basis. They struggle fitting in with the other students and most end up exhibiting aggressive behaviors. For most children with disabilities school is only the beginning of the many future problems that await them in the
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