Essay On Literary Devices

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--A topic is a subject of a book or conversation. "Love" is a topic. "True love can overcome any obstacle" is a theme. Notice how the theme is much more specific than the topic. Literary Devices: 1. Symbolism ex. This phrase can allude to alcoholism and being unable to cope, but as a symbol, it represents… Great way to connect the symbol of the bottle to the theme of the song 2. Simile – similarity between two objects (ex. my heart is beating like a hammer) ___ explores several themes including the fear of…. You get the impression… 3. Rhyme (similar sound pattern) End rhyme – appears at end of two or more lines of text Internal rhyme – rhyme of two or more words within one line Rhymes are used for the purpose of rhythm, sound…show more content…
Personification (attributes ideas, abstractions, inanimate objects with human form/emotions) ex. pain is personified as a character that searches the speaker out to make sure he is feeling hurt.. Did you ever wonder what pain would look like if it was a person.. 5. Metaphor (identification of one thing in terms of another thing) – a comparision between two things without the use of “like” or “as”. Ex. she is my rose 6. Irony (refers to the recognition of a reality that is different from appearance) can also imply a situation where someone says the opposite of what they mean. It can also be described as an ill-timed arrival of an undesirable situation Ex. heart surgeon to suffer a heart attack 7. Imagery (when any word(s) invokes a mental picture that appeals to the senses) Used to get an idea/them across to the audience…. Ex. then, this mental picture is the reason the imagery supports the theme 8. Hyperbole (exaggeration used for effect) 9. Allusion (the brief reference made to a historical/literary figure, event/object) 10. Alliteration (the repetition of identical consonant/vowel sounds in closely related syllables) ex. tongue twister… used to affect sound, rhythm and flow. The repetition of similar sounds may force a reader to read more
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