Essay On Immigration In America

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Immigration in America Immigration in America has become a major debate for everyone. According to the U.S. Immigration Support Org, an individual who is residing in a country illegally is known as an “illegal immigrant. Other terms that are commonly used include: undocumented immigrant, illegal immigrant, undocumented alien, unauthorized migrant, illegal migrant, illegal alien, migrant, or undocumented workers. More than three million people migrant to America in search of improving their lives. Some would argue that illegal immigrants can be good for our nation because it helps out with the nation’s economy and ethnic group. Other argue that this can have a negative effect on the nation by overcrowding,…show more content…
And in 1998, approximately 1.51 million immigrants came into the United States illegally and 1.54 came in 1999, according to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) (Camorota 7). Immigration studies have shown that 68 million people have been added to the population since 1970’s and it has to do with immigration since the fertility rate of American families has decreased since then. A major cause of immigration is that people want to reunite with some of their families who may already have citizenship in the United States. Others come to America for their kids to go to college or to get a higher paying job. The government sees it okay for those people already living in the United States to live with their close family, regardless of whether or not they are illegal. And actually two-thirds of legal immigrants who enter the U.S. are sponsored by familes (Langley 1). The reason why women come to the United States is because they are looking for work and they want to reunite with their families in this country (U.S. Immigration Support Other come to get

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