Essay On Columbus Day

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Columbus Day is a day that is celebrated by many around America, even though it’s a holiday that is surrounded by a lot of controversy. Many people celebrate this day as the beginning of a new culture and a new world but they sometimes forget to celebrate or recognize the man who discovered this new world. There is a lot of controversy on whether to praise or not to praise Columbus on the discovery. Some people believe that he doesn’t deserve to be praised because he committed heinous crimes against the Native Americans. According to Michael S. Berliner “Columbus is routinely vilified as a symbol of slavery and genocide, and the celebration of his arrival likened to a celebration of Hitler and the holocaust”.1 Michael S. Berliner also states that the politically correct view, is that Columbus did not discover…show more content…
And during this first voyage in 1492, he landed in the new world and the outcome for this discovery was introduction to civilization. This is a reason why Americans should celebrate Columbus Day as a national holiday because thanks to the discovery, America was introduced to the world of civilization. According to the article by Michael S. Berliner he states that “Prior to 1492, what is now the United States was sparsely inhabited, unused, and undeveloped. The inhabitants were primary hunter- gatherers , wandering across land , living from hand- to mouth and from day to day”. 5 When Columbus met the indigenous people he thought that they were “guileless and generous”. He had his priorities which were to take over the land. He

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