Essay About 3rd Parties

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Prompt: Why are 3rd party movements good for American politics? 3rd parties in politics are generally considered taboo in American society. Saying one is a libertarian instead of a republican or democrat is like someone saying they like pasta instead of hamburgers or hot dogs, it’s un-American. However these third parties provide an essential power in politics, the power to influence the two major parties. A current example would be the tea party, which has arisen from the Republican Party, due to the GOP’s supposed neglecting of concern for federal spending, and deficit and tax decreases. Through the formation of the tea party, the Republican Party is being told that it needs to be more conservative in there fiscal spending plans to get those votes that are going to the tea party. If the Republican Party does not move to accommodate these voters, the tea party will only continue to grow, until the Republican Party will be forced to change its position to maintain its voters. Therefore, the tea party will push the Republican Party towards a more conservative view. This is the main purpose of third parties; to show the major parties what they need to do to keep their voters. There is another purpose of third parties, to present extremely controversial…show more content…
My generation, the millennium generation, has shown to vote much less along party lines than previous generations, and more along policy lines. As such, 3rd parties are going to become more and more popular. If one thinks about it, there are countless combinations of opinions one could have on political issues. As such, if all people were to be able to vote solely on their views on issues, there would need to be many parties and candidates to satisfy the multiplicity of voter opinions. As such, 3rd parties are going to become increasingly important as time goes on, as the major parties lose
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