Escherichia Coli Essay

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Escherichia Coli is a large, diverse group of bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family. A German physician named Dr. Theodore Escherich discovered it in 1885. The genus is composed of gram-negative, aerobic, facultatively anaerobic, non-spore forming rods. The organism’s usual habitat is the digestive tracts of humans and animals. Escherichia Coli is a beneficial function in the human body because it synthesizes useful vitamins such as Vitamin K. E. coli also acts as competition in the intestine by suppressing the growth of pathogenic bacteria that may be present or ingested. Escherichia Coli is considered an opportunistic pathogen because generally it is a harmless bacteria, but when the intestinal barriers are compromised, even typical E. coli can cause infections. Other E. coli have acquired virulence factors and can cause disease even in healthy people. They are known as pathogenic E. coli and there are six main groups: enteropathogenic, enterotoxigenic, enterohemorragic, enteroinvasive, enteroaggregative, and diffusely adherent. We will discuss these more in detail later on. All infections with pathogenic E. coli begin with colonization of intestinal mucosa. This is followed by the virulence factors that cause the symptoms. The first pathogenic E. coli group to discuss is Enteropathogenic. It was first characterized in 1955 and is most commonly associated with infant diarrhea. In developed countries with good hygiene practiced it is not as common, but in developing countries it is more prevalent. Water is a common vehicle of transmission, but it can also be found in a variety of foods such as raw beef and chicken. Contact with baby feces and use of contaminated water is another common mode of transportation. After ingestion of the bacteria there is an average of 36 hours incubation period before the onset of illness. The most predominant symptom is severe

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