Erikson Human Development

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Mistrust Mistrust is when people don’t share the same understanding. They are always suspicious and have no confidence in the person. People lack trust in some people because of their past or what they did to them in their past. Since I have define trust and mistrust for you I can now give you the first Psychosocial stage in the description of human development which is trust versus mistrust. Stage One From ages birth to one year old, children begin to learn the ability to trust people based upon the consistency of their parents or caretakers. Once trust is develops between the child, the parents or the caretakers, the child will gain confidence and security on the world around him. With the child gaining this, he or she will now become more relax or secure even when threatened. Once this stage is not created, correcting the child can have problems trusting people and would therefore have a fear about the inconsistent world. This can result in anxiety and a feeling if insecurities; also heavy feeling of mistrust in the world around them. Second Stage The second stage of Erikson description of human development is Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt Autonomy- The term autonomy state the position of a person or a group being in Which they take their own decision in all regards. Shame- A painful emotion caused by a strong since of guilt, embarrassment, Or disgrace. Doubt- to be uncertain about something or consider questionable or unlikely and If hesitant you would not believe. Now I will begin to state the second stage on Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt. Within the ages of one and three years old, children begin to assert their independence by walking away from their mother or father, choosing the type of toys they would like to play with, or also make choices of what they would like to wear. In this stage where the children
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