Equality In Coyote Blue

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Beauty and Power! Who will Survive? The word “equality” has become one of the terms on which society puts an honorable coat. Modern American society seems to believe in gender and racial equality and its social implementations, and the rhetoric of equality is a key concept repeated in politics, education, and even in advertisement. Is gender equality a reality, or is it a fashionable idea that people merely love to mention and rarely practice? Today, gender and racial equality have only been partially implemented in American society. In his novel Coyote Blue, Christopher Moore illustrates these concerns by portraying the journey of Samuel Hunter, a Crow Indian who struggles to define his own identity in modern times. The author uses his characters…show more content…
Women are described as submissive victims in religions because the patriarchal system portrays them as passive individuals who lack the ability to choose their faith. Moreover, hegemonic dominance fabricates a social pressure for women to fit themselves into beautiful images that are unfairly based on male expectations. In addition, Moore demonstrates that women are made to follow the male desires and serve a submissive role in family. Beyond its negative effects on women, this hegemonic dominance also oppresses minorities. The author reveals that white males with their undeserved privileges develop hatred towards minorities in their communities. Moore also conveys the stereotypical oppression in which the majority males consider the minority as a visibly different part of society. Furthermore, the white-male hegemony ideology perpetuates the economic dependence that the minority has to endure. Having illustrated the problematic nature of hegemonic domination and oppression of women and minorities, the author creates the impression that society stimulates the racial and gender inequality by emphasizing the social segmentations which prioritize some individuals over others. Moore’s argument about the existence of oppressive mechanism seems to constitute a recommendation for change. The author encourages young individuals to look beyond their immediate surroundings and appreciate the racial and gender differences that contribute to modern American society. Thus, Moore questions and challenges the American ideals of equality and their social
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