Equality and Diversity

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Discuss issues of equality and diversity and ways in which to promote inclusion with your learners. Identify other points of referral to meet needs of learners. In recent years the Government has emphasised and promoted the crucial role of equality and diversity in the practise of inclusion while dealing with pre and post 16 education. This means that special emphasis has been placed on the inclusion of learners who have learning difficulties or behavioural characteristics not conducive to learning. It is important to note that this special emphasis is not to the detriment of others, but is crucial in the aim of retaining and developing those who, historically, would have struggled to remain engaged. Effective strategies and policies in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion are based on meaningful dialogue with learners; ‘Know your learners’ is a key principle to follow. (Gold dust website, 2009). The statutory inclusion statement sets out three principles for developing an inclusive curriculum which all schools have a responsibility to provide. This provides all learners with relevant and challenging learning. * Set suitable learning challenges * Respond to learners’ diverse learning needs * Overcome potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of learners. (QCA website, 2009) Equality is about ‘creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential’ (Department of Health, 2004) It is our obligation to ensure every learner regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation and age, has the right to attend and experience the same fulfilling experience of learning. Training advisers and teachers should be aware of the requirements of the equal opportunities legislation that covers race, gender and disability. Not only has the
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