Eposure by Wilfred Owens

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Exposure is a world war poem by Wilfred Owens. Whilst most world war poems show the conditions of the soldiers and their trauma, Exposure is about the pointlessness of the fighting in World War 1. In this essay, I am going to write about how Owen exposes the pointlessness of war, throughout this poem. In verse one, Owen starts by explaining how he and the soldiers around him are feeling. He says that there” brains ache “due to the blowing winds. This shows us that the cold is also contributing to the pain the soldiers are going through. The author goes to the extent to describe the wind as “merciless iced east winds that knife us”. The author uses personification to show that the soldiers had little protection from the cold and the winds were causing them constant pain physically whereas there actual enemies (the Germans) were only causing physiological pain most of the time. The author also show us that the soldier are too worried to sleep as they are “Worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous.” The use of sibilance of the sound ’s’ creates the effect of whispering to show the soldiers attempt to not draw the attention of the enemy, who are futilely using flares to see what’s going on. Therefore from this we can see that most of the soldier’s pains in World War 1 is from the anticipation of waiting for the enemy’s next plan and the “merciless” weather which helps to show how pointless the fighting was in World War
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