All Quiet On The Western Front

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Introduction: Composers have challenged the responder’s concept of war through the use of representations. Different ideas of war allow the audience to develop their understandings in a more unique way. An audience is often challenged by the different representations of war. Body paragraph 1: In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front the notion of survival is explored. This is seen when the main protagonist Paul is discussing the front line and says “for me the front is as sinister as a whirlpool.” She uses a simile in the scene so that the readers can relate to how terrifying the war was. The whirlpool symbolises little hope of surviving, with the image of a whirlpool starts off slow and gets faster and faster. Going to war is similar to this. The mud, the lice, the constant noise of bombs, the constant death and the mutilated landform around him. Body paragraph 2: Remarque uses loss of generation throughout the novel All Quiet on the Western Front. She shows this when Paul is in the hospital and all the men around him are dying. “It is impossible to grasp that there are human faces above these torn bodies.” Paul is in a depressing situation because the people that surround him are disfigured and innocent people. Some are now too hard to recognise because of all the shrapnel and bombs that have exploded or hit them. Body paragraph 3: All Quiet on the Western Front has a similar notion to I Was Only 19. The soldiers are stuck with horrible memories and painful thoughts form the war, “so you closed your eyes and thought about something else” and death is always on their mind. I Was Only 19 shows how horrific the nature of war really was and it is clear that in the novel and the song the authors have both used different representations to develop their ideas of war and allow the audience to connect in a more personal way.
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