Epistemology: How Does It Acquiesces To Liberal Theology

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Module Four Study Guide Materials: Across the Spectrum Chapter 1, 4, &5, Doctrines that Divide Chapter 8 Study Hints and Questions: (Across the Spectrum 1) Understand the three qualifications stated on page 11 regarding the inerrantist position. (Across the Spectrum 1) How does the Word of God itself support the inerrantist view? (Note pages 11-12.) (Across the Spectrum 1) Be able to explain the “argument from epistemology” as it is used to support the inerrantist position? In what way does this argument relate to the “problem of relativity”? (Across the Spectrum 1) Be able to list and explain the four responses given by inerrantists regarding “alleged errors” in the Bible. (Note pages 14-15.) (Across the Spectrum 1)…show more content…
(Across the Spectrum 4) Understand the significance behind authorial intention as it relates to Genesis 1 and the literary framework view. Note that according to this view, the author was interested in thematic rather than chronological organization. What does this mean when applied to the age of creation debate? (Across the Spectrum 4) How does the literary framework view respond to the accusation that it acquiesces to liberal theology? (Across the Spectrum 5) Be able to define and distinguish between the three views of the imago Dei (the image of God in which humans were created) offered by the textbook: 1) the substantival view, 2) the functional view, and 3) the relational view. (Across the Spectrum 5) In what four ways does the substantival view equate the possession of a soul with certain capacities. What are these capacities? (Across the Spectrum 5) Does the substantival view have the support of church history? (Across the Spectrum 5) According to the substantival view, why is it important that the imago Dei be equated with something that humans are rather than something that humans do? What would be the consequences of the
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