Enzyme Experiment Essay

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Enzyme experiment When casein (a protein in milk) is hydrolyzed, the milk turns from cloudy to clear. Trypsin is one of the enzymes able to do this. Aim To investigate the effect of temperature on the activity of trypsin - using casein as the substrate. Materials and method A water bath was heated to 25°C. 5cm³ of 4% casein solution was put into one test tube and 5cm³ of 0.5% trypsin was added to another test tube. Both were stood in a water bath until they reached the correct temperature. The same quantity of casein solution was added to another test tube and 5cm³-distilled water in a fourth test tube. This acted as a control. Another control consisted of 5cm³-distilled water in fifth test tube and 5cm³ casein in a final test tube. All of these were also placed into the water bath. Black card was placed behind the test tubes to help spot the clearing of the solution. The enzyme and substrate were mixed, a stopwatch started immediately, and the time for the suspension to clear noted. This was repeated for the controls, and the whole experiment repeated for different temperatures, ranging from 25°C - 65°C. Results and discussion The control showed no change in color at any temperature. In the graph below, we plotted the relative reaction rate (1/time taken to see a color change) against the temperature. As the temperature increased, the time for a color change to be seen was less (1/t was bigger). At a certain point, the relative reaction rate started decreasing. This was the optimum temperature (~

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