Essay On Our Environment

572 Words3 Pages
The three P’s of population, poverty and pollution have damaged our environment. They have degraded our surroundings to the extant of driving many species to extinction and threatening the survival of thousands of others. We must do something quickly to stop furthers harm to our environment. In other words, we need to act quickly to save air, land, water, trees, birds, animals and even ourselves. But can we help in any way to protect and preserve our surrounding? What is to be done? How can we do it? Understanding environment is easier when we are observant. In fact, even in our general life, we learn a lot through observation. As children, we observe out parents and learn many things. Similarly, observing surroundings and other living species on the earth will help understand the environment. Like us, animals, birds and plants continuously try to adapt to changing environments. You must have noticed the moss growing on our old buildings or a shoot of the…show more content…
If you observe you would also notice how monkeys and certain other animals have begun to invade the urban areas as green patches hat form their regular habitat is disappearing at an alarming rate.-an example of adaptation by monkeys. Today, our development has become synonymous with search for more food, water and fuel. We generate piles of waste, deafening noise and continue to destroy nature including trees, birds and animals. Our way of living is affecting every other living species on this planet. Each living species and its way of live are unique. Let us find out who is the best at using the scarce resource on the face of the plastic optimally. We will examine this and other issues through a few small projects. Shall we begin

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