Environmental Pollution Review and Summary

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Individual Ecosystem Structure, Function and Change Glenda L Rodriguez University of Phoenix SCI/256 July 31, 2013 Prof. Victoria Aleman Gonzales The Coral Reef I would like to begin my assessment with the theme that I select in the natural ecosystem of Puerto Rico. The coral reef ecosystem in Puerto Rico is a complex mosaic of interrelated habitats, including mangrove forests, sea grass beds and coral reefs, as well as other coral communities. Mangrove forests can be found on coral cays and fringing the shoreline along the coast. In areas along the coast where development is occurring, mangrove forests and other wetlands continue to be impacted by cutting, filling and other disturbances. The desire for water access and increases in boating also impact both mangroves and sea grass beds directly through construction and indirectly through changes in water quality associated with accidental spills of petroleum products, accidental groundings and propeller damage, and increases in marine debris. Impacts to these important habitats also lead to effects in coral reefs due to the loss of juvenile habitat for reef species such as spiny lobster, snappers, and groupers. Over the last five decades, Coral reef has been exposed to local extinctions, warm sea surface temperatures, hurricanes, competitive displacements of hermatypic corals by sponges, and coral bleaching. The overall effects of these disturbances have been a decrease in coral cover and an increase in algal biomass. Filamentous algae, articulated coralline red algae and calcareous green algae are causing the displacement of intrinsic reef front components: corals and sponges. At present, many coral reefs may be considered as vulnerable. Coral reefs with low coral cover and/or high bioerosion

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