English Coursework- 9/11 Descriptive Essay

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9-11 Descriptive Writing How the world can change in the blink of an eye. "Americans woke up to the news blaring the impossible! They sat stunned as they watched the events unfold". On this horrendous day of 9-11 the United States of America experienced an unexpected tragedy that left millions of citizens in total disarray as those magnificent towers came burning down. A wound that would not heal. For the first time, the public felt afraid and not safe. The passion of a million tears fell to the ground along with those towers and still the weeping of those people continues as memories of loved ones still remain at that site. This change of the present continues on into the future as the nation looks back every year on September 11 and how the nation came together to mourn. Every time people ask me about the tragedy that happened. It only reminds me of the awful moments that I had to go through. Unbelievable, Chaos and Terrorism are the only words I could use to describe what happened that day. I was petrified with fear. I thought that was the last day of my existence. I thought I would never see my loved ones again. I would never forget that time of my life. For me, that tragedy is like a big scar that can never be erased. September 11, 2001; on my way to work, I saw the same people on the streets, as busy as a bee. While I was waiting for the bus I spilled my coffee on my clothes. And I from that I could feel that my day won’t be that great. It’s 8:01am. I arrive at work. Put down my bag and I sat down. “Tut tu tu tut” As soon I sat down my phone beeped. It was a text from my boss saying they need coffee in the meeting room. I went to the pantry area and when I got there, there was no coffee left. So it means I have to go outside and buy coffee for my boss and his clients. While I’m in the shop buying coffee, I saw the flash news on television saying planes

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