End Of Life Care Research Paper

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End of Life Care Decision Varsha Singh Rowan University Why is end of life medical care aggressive in New Jersey? “ In medicine, nursing and allied health profession, end of life care refers to health care, not only of patients in the final hours or day of their lives, but more broadly care of all those with a terminal illness or condition that has become advanced, progressive and incurable”(Wikipedia.org). Scientific and technological advances have led to medicalization of care at the end of life; efforts toward cure and eliminating physiological dysfunction often overshadow the obligation to provide appropriate treatment and compassionate care. The shift to a curative focus may actually bring about hope for cure of disease; the fact…show more content…
Patients and their families need to be informed about services available in community to improve quality of life at the end of life. Studies suggest that when informed and educated about aggressive treatments visually, more opted for palliative care instead of aggressive care. Another factor was timing of discussion regarding end of life care. NJHA states” despite the fact that about 70 percent of care still occurs outside hospital, hospitals have become the center of care in the minds of patients. It is not a place to die but instead a place that promises and delivers renewal and improved health for many diseases. Due to the success of modern healthcare and advanced technology, patients have high hopes of what hospitals can accomplish. Therefore, hospitals and medical staff should honestly present the burdens and benefits of care at end of life. With this information patients and their surrogate decision makers can make meaningful personal choices”. Communication regarding end of life often occurs late in the process or disease progression. This impedes patient’s ability to make informed decision due their physical and mental ability to comprehend the choices.” The decision is often presented as choosing between two options: where one option is doing everything that is medically available to preserve life and second option…show more content…
“The council is charged with conducting a thorough and comprehensive study relative to the quality and cost effectiveness of, and access to, end of life care services for all residents in New Jersey. The council is also required to develop and present policy recommendations relating to state agencies, policymakers, health care providers, and third party payers. In developing recommendations , the advisory councils overriding concern will be to promote an end of life care paradigm in which patients wishes are paramount and they are provided with dignified and respectful treatment that seeks to alleviate their physical pain and mental anguish as much as possible”(njleg.state.nj.us). The second bill A-3475, S-2197 was signed in law by Governor Christie on December 21, 2011.P.L.2011, C.145.The law requires the state to create a new form called the Physician Orders for life Sustaining Treatment(POLST) which enables New Jersey patients to indicate their preferences for health care. It also mandates that physicians and Advance Practice Nurses must pursue continuing education in end –of-life care. POLST form is intended to better facilitate implementation of a patients treatment goals and wishes. POLST is a written form that converts a person’s wishes regarding medical treatment into a medical order. It will contain

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