Employment Rights In Health And Social Care Essay

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Health and social care Task 1 Understanding the statutory rights of employees and employers within LRH HOMES Aspects of employment covered by law •Health and safety at work act •Minimum wage •Discrimination •Holiday entitlements •Redundancy & dismissal •Training •Disciplinary •Disability discrimination act This is a list of some of the aspects of employment by law. The main thing is, the employees contract. Loading… The Four Main Aspects •Employment rights •Equalities and discrimination law •Health and safety legislation •Holiday entitlement Equalities and discrimination law The Equality Act came into force on 1 October 2010. This act alone holds over 116 legalisations. This act was made to protect individuals…show more content…
This is a written contract for employees to sign. It will state thier rights within the organisation they are working in. Six of the rights are as following: •Probationary period •Sickness payment, maternity leave, paternity leave, flexible working. •Absence and special leave •Holiday entitlements •Duties •Grievance procedure Health and safety The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. This act was made to ensure that employees and those around them are kept safe during Work. These are: •Your responsibilities •Personnel •Fire precautions •Hazards •Employee welfare •Accident and emergancies Holiday entitlement The right to an annual holiday was regulated in the 1977 Annual Holidays Act. This is where an employee is entitled to a number of weeks/days of work and still receive full pay. Why do legalisation relation to employment exist? The reason for legislations in employment is to protect both,
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