Duty of Care in Health an Social Care

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Unit 4(SHC 34) Unit 4 (SHC 34)- Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings. Unit aim: This unit considers how duty of care contributes to safe practice, and how to address dilemmas or complaints that may arise where there is a duty of care. Credit value-1 Level 3 This workbook covers the following elements: Learning outcomes: There are three learning outcomes to this unit1. Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice. 2. Know how to address conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between an individual’s rights and the duty of care 3. Know how to respond to complaints Question- (1.1) Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role Answer: My duty of care as a care worker means it is my responsibility to deliver the services I was employed to do to service users. By following my organisational policies, and also adhering to the code of practice laid down by GSCC codes of practice, I will be exercising my ‘duty of care’. The Health & safety at Work Act 1974, states that : Employer Duty of Care under the Health & safety at Work Act (Employer’s duty of care) Licensed to kevin hewitt of , , , . Email address used to purchase this eBook is: 1 kevin@hewitt02.orangehome.co.uk As far as reasonably practicable, the employer has a duty to: • • • Provide a safe place of work including safe access & egress Provide & maintain equipment that is safe & not a risk to health Provide all necessary information, instruction, training & supervision Employee Duty of Care under HASAWA (Your responsibilities under duty of care) It is the duty of care of all employees to: • Take reasonable care of their own health & safety & that of others who may be affected by their activities • Co-operate with their employers, so far as necessary, to enable that employer to comply

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