Emerging Adulthood Essay

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A Gradual Transition: Emerging Adulthood What is emerging adulthood, and how has cultural change contributed to it? in emerging adulthood, young adults from about age 18 to 25 are released from parental oversight but have not yet taken on adult roles. During these years of extended exploration, young people prolong identity development as they explore alternatives in breadth and depth. increased education required for entry-level positions in many fields, gains in economic prosperity, reduced need for young people’s labor, and globalization have prompted the appearance and spread of emerging adulthood. In trying out possibilities, emerging adults must adjust to disappointments in love and work, and their explorations also extend risky behaviors of adolescence. A wide array of personal attributes and social supports foster resilience. Erikson’s Theory: Intimacy versus Isolation According to Erikson, what personality changes take place during early adulthood? In Erikson’s theory, young adults must resolve the conflict of intimacy versus isolation, balancing independence and intimacy as they form a close relationship with a partner. Research confirms that a secure identity fosters attainment of intimacy. 6Young people also focus on aspects of generativity, including parenting and contributions to society through work. Other Theories of Adult Psychosocial Development Describe and evaluate Levinson’s and Vaillant’s theories of adult personality development. Levinson described a series of eras, each consisting of a transition and a stable phase, in which people revise their life structure. Young adults usually construct a dream, typically involving career for men and both marriage and career for women, and form a relationship with a mentor to help them realize their dream. In their thirties, men tend to
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