Workbook 1 Nvq Health and Social

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Level 2 certificate in Understanding working in mental health. Assessment 1 Understanding mental health and the importance of valuing equality and diversity. 1- Define what is meant by the term 'Mental health': A state of well being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. 2- Outline six components of 'mental well-being': Genetic Interiance- Some people are more likely to develop mental health conditions such as 'Schizophrenia' if it runs through there family, Although you can develop mental health from Stress, drug use or physical illness. Childhood experiences- The way you are brought up as a child may be a reason why you can later on in life develop mental health. Social support- A person family, friends or relationship problems could leave you stressed and worried which can lead to mental illness. Housing- Where you're based and if you feel secure in your home, this can promote a mental well-being Financial Security- Having a balanced life style and being able to pay for goods and services promote your stability and mental well-being. 3- Explain why positive mental health is important: Having a positive Mental Health is important to us all, Having a positive mental health means your more likely to have a happier life, A positive self-image, too live longer, able to work and also have a good physical life. 4- Describe Five key factors which can increase the risk of a person developing a mental health problem- Current social factors- Such as feeling isolated and rejected from society, also lack of support of family and friends. Life events- Could be a impact someone’s had on their life such as being unemployed, Loosing someone close to you or

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