Embryonic Stem Cell Research And Abortion

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Throughout my life I have gone back and forth with my position on embryonic stem cell research and abortion. Stem cells are a large focus of study in today’s biomedical world. They are cells that exist in an undifferentiated state, and transform into differing tissue types depending on what the cells surrounding them are. The different types of stem cells have the ability to repair many classes of damaged human tissue. However, only one type of stem cell promises to regenerate virtually any class of tissue. This is the highly controversial embryonic stem cell. Embryonic stem cell research is a conflicting issue due to the many different views on the legal and moral status of the early embryo. Unfortunately, there is a dark side to the embryonic…show more content…
Stem cell research offers many opportunities for developing new advanced medical therapies for many diseases. After reviewing the facts, one can come to the conclusion that the use of stem cells is the wonder drug of the century, one that will cure all diseases. While this might appear to be the case, there is one piece left out of the above description. Stem cells are derived from a developing embryo or fetus. There is no other place to find completely undifferentiated cells than in an undeveloped human. Unfortunately, a developing human needs those cells and the process of removing them kills the unborn child. This results in an abortion being performed whenever stem cells are obtained. This has caused a protest from pro-life activists. The moral argument is that scientists are killing fetuses to improve the medical condition of living patients. I think that this argument is completely absurd. I think that if a person wants to donate an embryo for this type of research, it should be left up to them. My way of thinking on this issue is very nonconsequentialist which insist that consequences, effects or outcomes are irrelevant: morality is about doing what is right as a matter of principle, regardless of consequences. That means you do the right thing no matter what happens (Thiroux). I think labs should only be able to acquire the embryos either from parents who want…show more content…
In regards to the donated embryos, they should not have been conceived for the sole purpose of scientific research and the parents of embryos that are used in research should know that they are being used for that reason. I am not for or against abortion as a whole, but I do think that they should be legal and available in specific situations. Babies born as a result of rape or incest could most likely be neglected or be born with birth defects due to inbreeding. I know that the arguments of both sides of these issues will continue for years to come but I hope that soon people will realize that there are ways to compromise but not negotiate their personal
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