El Niño Essay

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EL NIÑO EVENT IN PERU: WEBQUEST Describe the sea temperature fluctuations that the coast of Peru has experienced from 1950 http://www.imarpe.pe/imarpe/index.php?id_detalle=00000000000000007725 The graph above shows the sea surface temperatures for the Pacific Ocean in Callao. There is a general fluctuation of the sea temperature with a frequency of change of about 2-5 years. The temperature varies from a maximum temperature almost 8 °C to a minimum temperature of approximately -3°C. The strongest El Niño events are measured by the highest peaks of warm temperatures, and occur at intervals of about 10 years. Years since 1950 in which the strongest El Niño events (ENE) have been recorded 1957, 1972, 1982, 1983, 1997, 1998 http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/ensostuff/ensoyears.shtml The biggest El Niño event in recent years 1997/98 How good was Peru’s adjustment to (preparation for) the El Nino event of 1997-98? The governments of the Andean community received early warnings of El Niño phenomenon, and were able to take prevention and mitigation procedures. Besides, they strengthened their emergency plan and response agencies. This helped reduce the damage to some extent (specially the impact to humans). What was the amount of money allocated to prepare for this event by Peru? 300 million dollars during the government of Fujimori What was the total economic cost of the 1997-98 ENE to Peru in $millions and by how much did it reduce economic growth? The total economic cost of the 1997-98 event to Peru was 3500$ millions 2.8 http://cidbimena.desastres.hn/docum/crid/EIRDInforma/ing/No1_2001/PAGINA22.HTM Summary of Impact on Peru – country and department Impact of flooding and highways in Peru? http://www.economist.com/node/127009 Impact on fishing WORLD NC

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