Effects Of Unemployment

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Abstract Today’s society has seen a recent drastic increase in the unemployment rate. Unemployment is “the percentage of people who are involuntarily unemployed” (Answers.com, 2011). In order to be considered unemployed, one must be without a job however actively seeking employment and able to obtain employment. The state of unemployment can have major effects on an individual’s psychological and sociological state. A part of the sociological state of a person is the way they are viewed by those in their surroundings. In today’s society unemployment is a shunned upon issue. Those that fall into the category of being unemployed undergo several societal changes that may affect the sociological state of mind. Society views the unemployed as “slackers” which isn’t necessarily true in most cases. Often times those that are not unemployed have a difficult time empathizing with this part of society. “The jobless lose their self respect, purpose, sense of achievement” (Jones, 2008). The unemployed undergo the pain of knowing they are unemployed themselves while also having to deal with a lack of ability to shield this fact from the world around them. The sociological imagination takes one to a place where one feels there is no return. When one has fallen into a whole so deep; the entire state of mind may be damaged. Unemployed personnel may seem like a burden in the public eye but this can be an overstatement. Unemployed people work just as hard as the rest of the employed world; if not harder. The long term effects of being unemployed become so great that the unemployed face losing vital portions of their own lives. Unemployed persons face losing car, home, and even family. Unemployment also has an impact on society as a whole. Unemployed personnel have the ability to make a significant impact on the public but are unable to because of their

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