Effects of Nurses Work Hours on Patient Safety and Job Satisfaction

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Nursing is a profession where nurses have to perform accurate clinical assessments and be able to pick up subtle changes in patients and respond appropriately. Patient safety and health depends on the nurse’s response. Rogers (2008) reports that about 75% of hospital staff nurses work twelve hour shifts. As a group, we created a PICO (patient population, intervention of interest, comparison, and outcome) question to guide our search to determine if an association exists between errors and shift hours. Our PICO question is: “In patient care settings, what is the effect of nurses who work twelve hour shifts on patient care and job performance compared to nurses who work eight hour shifts?" Each member of the group chose three articles for peer review and as a group we selected the best four articles that applied to our PICO question. Although not all the articles directly answered our PICO question, they showed that fatigue increases with the number of hours worked and can cause errors to occur. As a group, we reviewed, analyzed and summarized the chosen articles. The results of these studies revealed there are some improvements and changes that could be made to ensure safe delivery of patient care, with a need for more research to be done on this topic. Literature Review Based on our PICO question, a search for scholarly literature was completed through several different data bases. As a group, the decision was made to individually search the data bases and then choose three different articles per group member. Each group member then reviewed those twelve articles. Any research older than ten years was excluded. Fields and Loveridge (1988) directly compared eight hour shift with twelve hour shifts, but was excluded due to publication date. From there, the group narrowed down the four best articles. Three of the four articles were authored or coauthored by Ann E.

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