Effectiveness and Appropriateness of Treatments

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To consider how effective a treatment is, we should first consider the aim of it. Some treatments aim to ‘cure’ the patients (e.g. flooding for phobias) while others seek only to ease or control the disorder (e.g. drugs for schizophrenia).different therapeutic approaches have different ideas about what establishes a ‘cure’. Appropriateness of a treatment focus on how/what is the treatment appropriate for , for Example: if we consider the appropriateness of a surgery for abnormality, Surgery is used only as last resort, where the patient has failed to respond to other forms of treatment and their disorder is very severe. In psychodynamic approach treatments usually focus on bringing the repressed conflict to conscious, where the patient can deal with it. Psychodynamic approach includes psychodynamic therapies such as classical psychoanalysis (which includes free and word association, dream analysis and projective tests) and brief psychodynamic therapy. Psychodynamic therapies are appropriate for disorders such as mild anxiety, mild depression but not for severe cases. Psychodynamic approach is also not appropriate for disorders such as schizophrenia as the patient lacks insight and may not understand the therapeutic process. The evidence of how effective psychodynamic approach is effective is very little. From Eysenck (1952) conclusions found out that most people with psychological symptoms get better without therapy, he also concludes that psychoanalysis delays recovery. However his findings had serious methodological problems. Bergin and Garfield re-analyzed his data and estimated that around 80% of patients in analysis and 30% with no treatment improved. Current researchers show good outcomes for psychoanalysis. Twenty-three of 24 studies showed that psychodynamic therapies with psychoanalysis are as effective as the other standard therapies. Brief psychodynamic

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