Effect of Temperature on Plasma Membranes in Beetroots

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Investigating how heat affects the plasma membrane of a beetroot in a Water solution Student: Jonas GrönroosCandidate number: 000572-007 School: Mattlidens GymnasiumTeacher: Jamie CraigDate of lab: ---Total number of pages: 8 Candidate declaration: I confirm this is my own authentic work Table of contentsTable of contents 1. Design3 1.1. Research Question3 1.3. Variables3 1.4. Equipment3 1.5. Method3 1.6. Safety and the Environment3 2. Data Collection and Processing3 2.1. Data Collection3 2.2. Data Processing4 2.3. Error Margins7 3. Conclusion and Evaluation8 3.1. Conclusion8 3.2. Evaluation9 3.2.1. Random Errors9 3.2.2. Systematic Errors9 3.3. Improvements9 3.4. References10 1. Design1.1. Research QuestionFinding out the effect of changing the temperature of water baths on the absorbance of the beetroot water samples. 1.3. VariablesIndependent variable: Temperature of water bathDependent variable: Absorbance of beetroot water sample Control variables: 1.4. Equipment1.5. Method1.6. Safety and the Environment 2. Data Collection and Processing2.1. Data Collection Qualitative data: As the beetroot cylinders were each placed into the different temperature water baths, the colour of the beetroots started to dissolve into the water, i.e. colouring it. The beetroot cylinders in the warmer water baths clearly coloured the water more than the ones in the lower temperature baths, this can be seen in the big difference of absorbance between 8 °C and 85 °C water samples. The beetroot cylinders in the 8 and 23 °C water baths turned only lightly pink, where the warmer water bath samples turned to darker red. 2.2. Data Processing Table 2. Processed data from raw data table Temperature (°C) | Mean Absorbance (Arbitrary units, ± 0.1) | Standard Deviation (± 0.1) | 8 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 23 | 0.2 | 0.2

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