Educational Experience Essay

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25 October 2012 Essay 2 Educational Experience Education plays a major role in our lives today, without an education where would we be. But there many problems in our education system today , just as it was back then, there is still poverty, racism, and bulling, all these things is still happen today .no just in school but outside of school as well, even in the homes. In the story “Indian Education” written by Sherman Alexei, he experienced racism because he was an Indian, in the story “Shame” by Dick Gregory experience poverty because his family was poor, and in “The Jacket” written by Gary Soto experience bulling because of his clothes. All three stories are similar and all happen at school just as it is still happen in schools today. Back then not, much punishment given to correct the problems that happen, some of the students could not tell their teachers because at times the teachers were part the problem as well. These ongoing issues seem it would never end for some students. Education can be a very scary experience for some students; the educational system has changed from back in the 60’s and 70’s. The punishment is more survive and more rules to follow. Even though the system has made a great deal of changes, it has not stopped the problems just slow them down. There is still poverty, bulling and racism, not just in the schools; technology has made bulling possible, and to experience racism through computers, and cell phone. This is leading to problems that are more serious for some teenagers, even death. Some teenagers get to the point to where they cannot handle being bullied, picked on and judge for their race, it is too much for one person to deal with, the only way out to take their lives. An experience no parents want to see their child go through or experience the loss of their child. We attend school to learn, and receive the education that
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