The Pros And Cons Of Residential Schools

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One of the most regretted and influential events of Canada’s past were the residential schools. These schools segregated young aboriginal children from their culture, and due to these events, aboriginal communities are continuing to suffer through the pain they have experienced. The actions perpetrated by the Canadian government, during the late 1800’s to 1996, lost the trust of the Aboriginal culture due to their experiences within the residential schools. Unfortunately, the Federal government had tried to assimilate the aboriginal culture, and in some ways they achieved their goal, but in reality it left a culture fragmented and struggling to reconstruct their community. Long before Europeans came to North America, aboriginal people had…show more content…
The government now recognizes that the consequences of the Residential Schools were completely wrong and that this has had a lasting and damaging impact on Aboriginal culture, heritage and language. While some former students have spoken positively about their experiences at residential schools, these stories are far overshadowed by tragic accounts of the emotional, physical, sexual abuse, neglect of helpless children, and their separation from their families and communities. Unfortunately, many former students had died before hearing the much needed apology that would hardly compensate for the childhood that they lost. The residential schools have left most Aboriginal people resenting our culture and government. For good reason, most former students are left trying to cope with their emotional scares. Today, society is trying to reconnect aboriginal people to the culture that was taken away from them. It will be a long time before the aboriginal community can come back strong as they once were. The government believes that money will help compensate for what was taken from them, but until they experience what they made the aboriginal community endure, they will never truly understand how hurtful and destructive the schools

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