Education Opens The Door To My Imagination

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Running head: EDUCATION OPENS DOOR TO MY IMAGINATION Education Opens Doors To My Imagination Dorothy Thomas Liberty University Education Opens Doors To My Imagination-APA Education is helping me to dream of a better life. Don't get me wrong though, it hasn't always been like that! Growing up education was definitely not important to me. The kids I went to school and lived by in my neighborhood, we were just trying to survive. My mom worked a lot to pay the bills and raise my brothers and sisters and I. Going to school was something I did because I had to and finishing school was expected of me. My father died when I was young so things were pretty rough. There wasn't a lot of extra money for things and sometimes we didn't have enough food to eat. I do remember my mother reading to me as a child and she taught me how to go to the library when I was about eight years old. I liked to read and imagine I was in another time and place. In my mind I was princess in a far away land and one day my prince would rescue me! Well, I did get married and have children but things got harder not better and life would soon turn out differently than I had read about in books. In his article, What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated, writer Alfie Kohn, talks about his wife's education. (Kohn, 2003), titles like Dr. of Anthropology are hard for me to imagine. He goes on and on about, is a person educated or aren't they? Depending upon what they know or if they have read literature for example. Mr. Kohn's comments about his wife are ironic because she graduated from medical school and became a doctor after already obtaining degrees! Going to school for me, was because this is what was expected of me, not because I had a desire to learn or gain an education. Even now, reading about the author's wife is foreign to me. I can't imagine myself

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