Educating Essex Analysis

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Dear Editor, I am writing to complain about the representation of teenagers in the media. Specifically I am referring to the documentary Educating Essex and reviews of the show that appeared in the Daily Mail and The Observer. The Daily Mail describes teenagers to be “ignorant”, “wild” and “scumbags”. This suggests that teenagers are a social menace, who are violent and threatening to others. In particular the word “ignorant” implies that teenagers are clueless and unintelligent. I consider this not only insulting, but also wrong. In my opinion teenagers are some of the brightest people in society especially when considering technology and digital media. In fact, from my own experience I’ve shared classes with some of the most intelligent…show more content…
For example, some teenagers have very difficult backgrounds, which make them sometimes act in a disrespectful way. For this reason it is unfair to make judgements without considering ones personal background and social context. While watching the documentary, Educating Essex, I felt great sympathy for one boy in particular called Vinnie. Vinnie has a very difficult background which effects the way he reacts to others. However it is wrong to call him a “wild” and “ignorant” teenager without his personal situation. Significantly The Observer recognises this fact as they describe Vinnie as being “vulnerable”. This suggests that The Observer has a more sympathetic and positive approach to him. It also portrays to us that The Observer take into account a teenager’s story and doesn’t insult in the way that the Daily Mail has…show more content…
Therefore unlike the Daily Mail, which delights in demonising teenagers, The Observer encourages people to “try a little love instead”. Indeed if everyone tried a “little love” it would not only support teenagers but it would encourage them to behave and to well at school which would ultimately make them more successful. In conclusion the representation of teenagers in the media is completely unfair and wrong. I believe that we should all give teenagers more support and less criticism, including the Daily Mail. Being a teenager is a very difficult process as your body dramatically changes and you are subject to over-whelming hormones. In addition you experience enormous exam stress with endless homework tasks and topic tests. Life has changed considerably making it much harder to be a teenager nowadays. The media needs to change their views on teenagers

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