Eco 561 Week 1 Macroeconomics

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Part 1 Terminology Macroeconomics use terminology that is rather distinct from other fields of study. To describe the massiveness of a nation’s economy a numerical measurement is essential. There are many ways to measure economic activity, but a single, common measure is important for purpose of comparison between two different countries or even the same country to itself at different times. Economists have generally agreed that the best measure is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is the sum of cost of all the final products and services sold in any economy. There are categories of final products and services. The largest portion of the GDP is purchases by private consumers, from clothes and food to homes and cars, and services purchased such as utilities, housekeeping, and entertainment. Investment purchases done by companies and government spending are the other categories of the GDP. Also included in the sum are the net exports; the total exports minus the imports. There are many purchases done between companies during development of a final product, the cost of these purchases do not count toward the GDP because the cost of those purchases are considered in the final cost of the finished product. There are two basic versions of the GDP,…show more content…
The person purchasing gets a good that is consumed in the household; considering it is food, it could be considered an essential purchase. Upon purchasing the groceries, the person paid taxes. Those taxes go to the government to fund projects essential to the community, which includes paying people for services. The store where the groceries were purchased use the money to pay employees, pay operational expenses to other providers and businesses, and to purchase more merchandise from vendor businesses to sell in the grocery store. Each purchase adds money to the economy which is used for further

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