Easily Fixed Errors

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Easily Fixed Errors Error | Explanation and Fix | You | Use of second person is not acceptable in college-level coursesCTRL F + “you” Rewrite the sentence to eliminate any use of you. | Formatting | College papers should be word processed, double spaced, use Times New Roman, Courier, or Arial font in 10-12 point and must be labeled correctly with the name, class, instructor, and assignment. A title must be used. Follow instructions for MLA formatting and template. | Run ons | Commas cannot be used to join sentences. These errors are most common with “and,” “so,” and “but.”CTRL F + “and,” “so,” and “but” look for complete sentences before and after each of the FANBOYS. Rewrite if necessary. | First person | Use of first person is not usually allowed in college-level coursesCTRL + F and “I,” “me,” “my,” “us,” “we,” “our” etc. Rewrite the sentence to eliminate. | Contractions (can’t, don’t, etc.) | Contractions are not acceptable in college-level courses. Replace with whole words (cannot, do not, etc. This will also eliminate misuse of it’s and its | However, therefore, etc. used without a capital or a comma | However, therefore, moreover, and other conjunctive adverbs (See Chapter 3) can be used at the beginning of a sentence, which means they…show more content…
Contractions are not acceptable in college level writing; therefore, students should replace them with the whole words.Apostrophes are also used to show possession or ownership; this is acceptable in college writing. To decide where to place the apostrophe in these words, reverse the phrase. This means: My son’s boat would be reversed to become the boat belonging to my son. What if two sons own the boat? My sons’ boat would be reversed to say: the boat belonging to my sons. The apostrophe follows the ‘s’ in sons to show that two people, not one owned the boat. CTRL+F and the apostrophe. Verify correct punctuation.

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