Each Fresh Crisis We Encounter Is an Opportunity in Disguise

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Many people used to have a crisis in their life. Some of them fail, but the others make it an opportunity in disguise. After the crisis, they can get up and improve themselves better. In the Middle Age of Europe, people didn't have condition as good as other regions in the world. Then they had a crisis, a serious disease called Black Death, that made half of the population died. But after that, the alive farmers had a fortunate opportunity to work and live better. That led to a great success in recovering Europe and they get through the darkest time of their life. The US is also an example to have a crisis in the 20th century. The Great Depression in the US made a history and helped this country keep its position. At that time, all the coutries were out of money and couldn't manage to pay for the war fee. The US became the only debt owner, but was not able to get the money back. Many companies were closed and many workers were unemployed. The biggest problem was they did not have enough investment to produce and pay for the employees. However, the government found out a solution to solve all those problems. They hired workers to build roads, bridges and many other facilities. Then workers had to buy food to live. As a result, the unemployment was solved; the US also had the great basement to improve in the future. We can see that the crisis had made a really great chance for the US to build up their country and make people's life better. In Asia, applying for an university is very important. It decides who you are and how your life will be in the future. If a student fails the exam, it can be the first crisis in his life. But he might find another way and find out what he really fond of. Many people are successful without studying in an university. They might be a businessman, an artist or any other jobs due to their abilities. A crisis first seems to be
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