Dyson-Model-Answer Essay

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Johnson, Whittington and Scholes, Exploring Strategy, 9th Edition, Instructor's Manual • Avoid long lists. For example, the lists in Illustration 3.5 of main strengths and main weaknesses would have been refined from a much longer list through a process of debate and some redefinition and grouping. This process of debate is valuable in itself. Explain the relationship between these main areas of strengths or weaknesses and the key issues in the environment. There is a danger that these end up as two separate lists and the matrix shown in Illustration 3.5 fails to ensure that the connections are made. Recognise that individual factors may be either a strength or a weakness, depending on the choice of strategies. State priorities and weightings given to individual factors - again through the process of using the matrix. Consider how they would use what emerges from the SWOT analysis for purposes of strategy evaluation and in particular the screening of options for suitability (see Section 1.2 of Chapter I I). • • • • :.,.-~. ' r' In summarising answers to the question, it can be useful to ask students to explain in two or three sentences their overall assessment of the organisation's position. This is a good test as to whether or not the points above have been addressed properly. Case Example Dyson General learning objectives for this case might include the following: i) Applying the notion of strategic capabilities to a distinctive manufacturing company with global sales as well as design and manufacturing in a number of countries in order to discern the reasons for its success. ii) Considering which strategic capabilities are distinctive and sustainable. ,.,.",., iii) Debating and if possible distinguishing, between innovation, leadership and capabilities in creating long-term sustainable success. Question I: Analyse the strategic

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