Drug Abuse Has Adverse Effects on Families

1997 Words8 Pages
Effects of Drug Addiction on Individuals, their Families and Society Pamela B. Heuer Ivy Tech Community College Abstract Drug addiction has adverse effects on individuals, their families and society. Drug addiction will destroy a person’s life unless there is an intervention to stop the use of the drug. Drug addiction will cause stress for their family. Nobody starts out thinking that they will become a drug addict, but once they are addicted, they will not be in control of their own decisions. They will be guided by their desire to obtain the drug even if obtaining the drug means they will have to steal from their own family. Children of an addict may feel abandoned or afraid to trust any adult. Children may be forced to take on adult responsibilities at an early age by needing to care for younger siblings. A parent may feel guilty and wonder what they could have done differently along the way. Society may feel the drug addict caused their own predicament and that it is a waste of government funding to try to help them overcome the addiction. People can change but it may take a lot of therapy to do so. The family will also need someone to talk to because they most assuredly will have gone through a multitude of emotions trying to deal with their loved one. Drug Addiction Affects Individuals, Their Families and Society Drug addiction will destroy a person’s life, cause great stress on their family and take them to depths they never intended to go. The highest priority will be to get the drug even if it means turning against their family. Once they are addicted, the drug will be in control of the individual’s life and all their decisions will be guided by the one desire to obtain the drug. Addiction is not a crime, but the crime rate has increased due to the addict needing to steal in order to be able to financially support the habit according to Joseph
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