Domination Of Women In The Yellow Wallpaper

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Oscar Cruz EN 102 Prof. Helm March 17, 2013 Domination of Women in the Yellow Wallpaper “The Yellow Wallpaper,” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, tells the story of a woman’s fall into madness as a result of the rest an ignore the problem cure that is frequently prescribed to cure hysteria and nervous conditions in women. More importantly, the story is about control and attacks the role of women in society. The narrator of the story is symbolic for all women in the late 1800s, a prisoner of a confining society. Women are expected to bear children, keep house and do only as they are told. Since men are privileged enough to have education, they hold jobs and make all the decisions. Thus, women are ejected into the prison or obedience because…show more content…
He tells his wife, “…you really are better, dear, whether you can see it or not. I am a doctor, dear, and I know. You are gaining flesh and color, your appetite is better” (Gilman). Again, he uses the fact that he is a doctor to insinuate his rightness and hint that the narrator must be wrong because she is not a doctor. The fact that she is not a doctor, however, does not mean she does not know how she feels. The narrator says, “I don’ weigh a bit more, nor as much, and my appetite may be better in the evening when you are here, but is it worse in the morning when you are away!” (Gilman). The narrator tries to tell her husband otherwise but he simple does not listen. In another instance, the narrator tells John that “there is something strange about the house” (Gilman). But she simply negates her instinct and tells her that “what [she] felt was a draught, and shut the window” (Gilman). John does not listen deeply to what his wife says, he hardly ever really listens to her at all. The narrator says, “I wish he would le me go and make a visit to Cousin Henry and Julia” (Gilman). But john says that she “wasn’t able to go, nor able to stand it after [she] got there” (Gilman). He us always making decisions for her based on his assumptions on what is best for her, and not what she really wants. To others, this may seem like John is showing car and affection, but…show more content…
People cannot always make assumptions for what is best for others. People have learned this from John; John demonstrates that the best way to help someone is to have the patience to really listen and find out what that person truly wants, not simply making assumptions about what is right when its not in the other’s best personal interest. But until every woman is treated in this manner, she will be driven into her own world of insanity where she continues “creeping” over all who try to control
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