Dogs vs Cats

652 Words3 Pages
Parth Patel Prof. Amber Karlins ENC 1101 25 November 2013 Words: 645 Dogs vs. Cats Cats and Dogs are two of the most popular pets today. Some people prefer the company of a cat, while others are considered dog lovers. Many things in the life of a house cat, and a family dog are similar; such as, they both are cared for and loved as a part of the family. However, there are also some differences between the two. Dogs teach responsibility and cats are more independent. This essay will compare the similarities and differences between the two prominent house pets. One of the most noticeable similarities between these two animals is that they both have hair. They are also domesticated animals kept as house pets. They both require love and affection from their owner, and they can show the same love and affection if one shows it towards them. Their most prominent trait is their childlike playfulness, and their relentless desire to run, and chase things around. They are the happiest when they get to play and interact with their owner as much as possible. Regardless of the type of pet a person has, shots and veterinary care are necessary in order to keep animals healthy. Aside from the similarities, there are also various differences between the two animals. Cats are loners, meaning they can spend a lot of time alone without getting lonely. They like spending time away from people. The sounds they make also differ from a dog. Typically, cat’s voice sounds like “meow” or a “purr”. Cats do not have ranks that determine their social status. All cats are equal; one does not dominate over another. Another difference is the signals cats give off. When a cat holds its tail up in the air, it shows a sign of happiness. Another difference is that cats are nocturnal, meaning they go out at night. They also have retractable claws, unlike dogs. Cats seem to be very well

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